2024 December 5
Critical Histories of Global Governance, McGill University, Montreal
2024 October 31
"Theory and Method in Global Complexity Studies," University of Pennsylvania, The Christopher H. Browne Center for International Politics, Robert Blank Forum, 12pm
2024 September 19-20
"Power Dynamics in Institutional Complexity," Workshops in International Relations, Université Laval, Québec
2024 September 6
"The Life Cycle of International Organizations," Roundtable, American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Marriott Rm 305, 8am.
2024 September 5
"The Evolution of Regime Complexes," Panel American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Marriott Rm 414, 2pm.
2024 April 10
Lindback Foundation Distinguished Teaching Award Reception, Temple University
2024 April 8
University of Southern California
2024 April 3-6
International Studies Association, San Fransisco
2024 March 8
Discourse as Power Workshop, University of Pennsylvania
2023 December 15-16
TUM Munich, Workshop on Evolution of Regime Complexes
2023 December 13
European University Institute, Social and Political Sciences Department Series, 12pm
2023 November 22
Stockholm University, Higher Research Seminar, 12pm
2023 October 13
TWIIGG • Temple Workshop on International Institutions and Global Governance, 9am-4pm
2023 May 11-12
Global Complexity in Time Workshop, with Stephanie Hofmann. The Geneva Graduate Institute.
2023 March 15-18
International Studies Association, Montreal
2023 March 14
(R)IPE Pre-Conference Workshop for Emerging Scholars (co-organizer), Montreal, 9am-5pm.
2023 March 13
Rethinking International Order Workshop, McGill University
2022 October 6-8
Change and Resilience in International Law Conference. The Graduate Institute, Geneva.
2022 September 16
Global Complexity in Time. Panel at American Political Science Association, with Stephanie Hofmann; Christian Kreuder-Sonnen and Michael Zürn; Giovanni Mantilla; Walter James and Orfeo Fioretos; and Frederic Merand (chair and discussant).
2022 July 13-14
Theorizing Global Discord and Cooperation.. Lectures at Olympia Summer Academy, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens.
2022 April 1
Matters of Multilateralism: Pathways of Change and Continuity. Panel at International Studies Association, with Giovanni Mantilla; Orfeo Fioretos; Nico Krish and Ezgi Yildiz; Erin Graham; Lora Viola; and Alexandru Grigorescu (discussant). 10:30-12:15pm.
2022 March 31
International Organizations and Multilateralism in Tims of Crisis. Panel at International Studies Association, with Tanja Börzel; Yea Jen Tseng; Josef Batora; Tim Heinkelmann-Wilde; and Orfeo Fioretos (discussant). 4:00-5:45pm.
2022 March 29
Institutional Complexity in Global Governance. Roundtable at International Studies Association, with Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Oliver Westerwinter, Kenneth Abbott, Jean-Frederic Morin, Orfeo Fioretos, Randall Henning, and Miles Kahler. 12:30-2:00 (Virtual).
2022 March 29
Timing and Temporality in Global Institutional Change. Panel at International Studies Association, with Michael Manulak, Orfeo Fioretos, Andrew Hom, Nomi Claire Lazar, Inger Weibust, and Nina Hall (discussant). 11:00-12:30 (Virtual)
2022 February 16
Rutgers University, Department of Political Science, International Relations Series
2021 September 28
Power, Practice, and Pathways of Multilateralism. Panel at American Political Science Association, with Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni (chair), Giovanni Mantilla, Ezgi Yildiz, Lora Viola, Orfeo Fioretos, and Alexandru Grigorescu (discussant).
2021 July 7
Theory and History of Global Governance. Lecture at Olympia Summer Academy, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens.
2021 April 9
Institutional Complexity in Global Governance. Panel at International Studies Association, with Randall Henning (chair), Kenneth Abbott, Benjamin Faude, Oliver Westerwinter, Miles Kahler, Orfeo Fioretos, Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, and Phillip Lipscy (discussant). 9:30-10:45PM (online).
2021 April 8
Persistence and Resilience of International Organizations. Panel at International Studies Association, with Orfeo Fioretos (chair), Eugenia Heldt, Patrick Mello, Anna Novoselova, Catherine Weaver, Mark Pollack, and Orfeo Fioretos (discussant). 2:00-3:15PM (online).
2021 April 7
International legal Order in the Making: Pathways for Change and Sources of Resilience. Panel at International Studies Association, with Nina Reiners (chair), Giovanni Mantilla, Nico Krisch, Ezgi Yildiz, Wayne Sandholtz, Mark Pollack, Orfeo Fioretos, and Antje Wiener (discussant). 2:00-3:15PM (online).
2021 April 7
New IPE Perspectives on Power, Hegemony, and Heterarchy. Panel at International Studies Association, with Manuela Moschella (chair), Phil Cerny, Katherine Barbieri, Jeff Colgan, Hortense Jongen, Jan Aart Scholte, Erin Lockwood (discussant), and Orfeo Fioretos (discussant). 12:30-1:45PM (online).
2020 September 12
Under Pressure: How International Organizations Try to Avoid Decay. Panel at American Political Science Association, with Jonas Tallberg (chair), Stephanie Hofmann, Tobias Lenz, Henning Schmidke, Omar Serrao Oswald, Eugenia da Conceicao-Heldt, Patrick Mello, and Orfeo Fioretos (discussant). 12:00-1:30PM (online).
2020 September 12
The Evolution of Global Governance Complexes. Panel at American Political Science Association, with Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Daniel Verdier, Miles Kahler, Orfeo Fioretos, and Oliver Westerwinter (discussant). 12:00-1:30PM (online).
2020 June 16
36th Käte Hamburg er Lecture, "Struggling with Complexity: How Governments Fail to Limit Fragmentation in Global Governance," Center for Global Cooperation Research, Universität Duisburg-Essen. (Online)
2019 December 16
Institutional Complexity in Global Governance, European University Institute
2019 November 8
Temple Workshop on International Institutions and Global Governance, 1221 Anderson Hall, 9am-4.30pm.
2019 November 6
Time and Politics Workshop, Mortara Center, Georgetown University.
2019 September 19
"The Future of Global Economic Governance," Munich Politics Network, TUM School of Governance: 16:45-18:15,
2019 August 30
"Change in Informal International Organizations," American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C.,
2019 July 8-12
"Democratic versus Authoritarian Capitalism," with Petros Sekeris. Olympia Summer Academy, Nauplio, Greece.
2019 June 27-28
Power Shifts and International Institutional Change Workshop, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
2019 June 19
Populism in Europe: Causes and Consequences, panel at Conference of Europeanists, Madrid, 9:00-10:45am.
2019 June 17
"The Failure to Limit Institutional Proliferation," Dissolution of IOs Workshop, University of Zürich..
2019 June 4
"Developments in International Informality," Presentation, University of Bamberg.
2019 May 28
"The Future of Global Order: Institutional Adjustments to Global Power Shifts," with Stacie Goddard and Bernhard Zangl. Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Seestraße 13: 12:15PM
2019 May-June
Visiting Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
2019 March 29
Institutional Choice in a Densely Institutionalized System: How Informal and Non-State Institutions Matter. Panel with Kenneth Abbott, Benjamin Faude, Jessica Green, Jennifer Hadden, Felicity Vabulas, Inken von Borzyskowski, Oliver Westerwinter, Orfeo Fioretos, and Duncan Snidal. International Studies Association, Birchwood Room, Sheraton Centre: 8:15-10:00AM.
2019 March 27
Bretton Woods After 75 Years. Roundtable with Benjamin Faude, Orfeo Fioretos, Eugenia Heldt, Eric Helleiner, Manuela Moschella, Lou Pauly, Henning Schmidke, and Kate Weaver. International Studies Association, Simcoe Room, Sheraton Centre: 4:00-5:45PM.
2018 November 5-6
Power Shifts and Change in International Institutions Workshop, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
2018 October 12
Temple Workshop on International Institutions and Global Governance (TWIIGG), Philadelphia, Temple University, 9-5
2018 October 5
Philadelphia Europeanist Workshop (PHEW). Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Perry World House, 9-5
2018 September 27
"Globalism v Nationalism," address at Foreign Policy Association, Harrisburg, 6PM. (By invitation only.)
2018 September 2
Legacies and Innovations in Global Economic Governance, Panel at American Political Science Association, with Eugenia Heldt, Lou Pauly, Catherine Weaver, Henning Schmidke, Orfeo Fioretos, and Ayse Kaya (discussant). Boston, Sheraton. Fairfax A Room: 10:00am
2018 August 30
Historical Institutionalism on Financialization, Judicialization, and Investment. Panel at American Political Science Association, with Taylor St. John, You ki, Nikhil Kalyanur, Abraham Newman, Todd Tucker, Catherine Weaver (discussant) and Orfeo Fioretos (discussant). Boston, Sheraton: Gardner Room, 4:00-5:30PM.
2018 July 8-12
"Democratic versus Authoritarian Capitalism," with Petros Sekeris. Olympia Summer Academy, Nauplio, Greece.
2018 June 27
"Legacies and Innovations in Global Economic Governance." Presentation, TUM School of Governance, Richard-Wagner Strasse 1, H.414, 3PM,
2018 June
August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University Münich.
2018 May 17
"Institutionalizing Informality". International Relations, Government, and European Institute 555 Seminar, London School of Economics: Room PAR 2.03:, 5:30PM.
2018 May 15
"Turbulence and Institutional Proliferation in Global Economic Governance." Presentation, St. Antony's College, Oxford University: Seminar Room, 70 Woodstock Road 9:00-11:00 AM.
2018 April 19
New in paperback: The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism.
2018 April 5
After Victory: Reconsidering a Breakthrough Work in IR. Panel at International Studies Association, with John Peterson, John Ikenberry, Kathleen McNamara, John Owen, Orfeo Fioretos, Michael Mastanduno, Juliet Kaarbo, Randall Schweller, and Jack Snyder. San Fransisco: 10:30AM.
2018 April 4
Authority, Legitimacy, and Contestation: On Zürn's Theory of Global Governance. Panel at International Studies Association, with Nicole Deitelhoff, Orfeo Fioretos, Robert Keohane, Jan Aart Scholte, Beth Simmons, Jonas Tallberg, and Michael Zürn. San Fransisco: Sutra, Parc 55. 1:45PM.
2018 January-May
Fulbright-King's College London Research Fellow
2017 November 16
"Inventing International Informality." Presentation, Department of Political Science Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
2017 November 14
"Inventing International Informality." Presentation, International Relations Speaker Series, George Washington University. 12 noon.
2017 November 3
Temple Workshop on International Institutions and Global Governance (TWIIGG). Anderson Hall 802, Temple University Main Campus, 9AM-5PM.
2017 October 13
Philadelphia Europeanist Workshop (PHEW). Organized by Penn-Temple European Studies Colloquium. Anderson Hall 802, Temple University Main Campus, 9AM-5PM.
2017 July 14
States and Crises: Reconfigurations, New Modes, and Roles. Panel at 24th International Conference of Europeanists, with Erik Jones, Patrick Le Gales, Kimberley Morgan, Jenny Anderson, Niamh Hardiman, and Orfeo Fioretos (discussant). University of Glasgow, Melville Room 3, 9:00-10:45AM.
2017 July 13
European Political Development Between States and Union. Panel at 24th International Conference of Europeanists, with Anand Menon, Daniel Wincott, Sophie Meunier, Erik Jones, Mark Dingfield, Orfeo Fioretos, and Sheri Berman. University of Glasgow, WMB Gannochy Seminar Room 3, 2:00-3:45PM.
2017 July 11
Theorizing Europe. Presentation, CES Ph.D. Workshop, University of Glasgow, CRCESS Seminar Room, 12:30PM.
2017 May 9
US release of International Politics and Institutions in Time [link]
2017 April 21
Lecture, Series on Global Governance in a Contentious World, University of Delaware, Gore Hall, Room 103; 3:30PM. [link]
2017 March 9
International Politics and Institutions in Time released in UK. US release May 9. [link]
2017 February 23
Legacies and Innovations in Global Economic Governance since Bretton Woods. Panel at International Studies Association, with Eugenia da Conceicao-Heldt, Benjamin Faude, Orfeo Fioretos, Susanne Luetz, Sven Hilgers, Louis Pauly, Sebastian Schneider, and Catherine Weaver. Baltimore Convention Center, Rm 326. 1:45-3:30PM.
2017 February 22
Historical Institutionalism in International Relations: Explaining Institutional Development in World Politics. Panel at International Studies Association, with Henry Farrell, Orfeo Fioretos, Thomas Rixen, Lora Viola, Theresa Squsatrito, and Michael Zürn. Hilton, Latrobe: 10:30AM-12:15PM.
2017 January 27
Presentation, Centre for International Peace and Security Studies, McGill University, 12:30 PM. [link]
2016 December 8-9
Empowerment of International Organizations Workshop, Bavarian School of Public Policy, Technical University of Munich.
2016 November 4
Temple Workshop on International Institutions and Global Governance (TWIIGG). President's Suite, Temple University Main Campus, 9AM-5PM.
2016 October 18
"Research Opportunities and Challenges for Historical Institutionalism in IR." Presentation in Qualitative Research Colloquium, Politics Department, Princeton University, Corwin Hall: 4:30PM,
2016 October 14
The Inside Story of the Greek Crisis. Book panel and discussion with author George Papaconstantinou (former Greek Finance Minister), and Erik Jones, Randall Henning, Kathleen McNamara, and Orfeo Fioretos. The Johns Hopkins University SAIS Washington Campus, Rome Auditorium (1619 Mass Avenue NW): 12:30-2:00PM.
2016 October 10
"Informal International Organizations." Presentation in IR Colloquium, Politics Department, Princeton University, Bendheim Hall, 12:00 PM.
2016 October 7
Philadelphia Europeanist Workshop (PHEW). Organized by Penn-Temple European Studies Colloquium. President's Suite, Temple University Main Campus, 9AM-5PM.
2016 September 2
The Slow Pace of Big Transformations. Theme panel with: Karen Alter, Abraham Newman, Andrew Yeo, Steven Bernstein, Hamish van der Ven, Benjmanin Faude, Matthew Stephen, and Orfeo Fioretos. Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association. Philadelphia Convention Center, Room 114: 4:00-5:30 PM.
2016 June 3
Autopsy of a Zombie State: Greek Governance Indicators over Time. Presentation at Reforming Southern Europe Conference. Center for West European Studies and EU Center, University of Washington, Seattle.
2016 April 16
International Political Development in Europe. Panel with Kathleen McNamara, Sophie Meaner, Abraham Newman, Henry Farrell, Daniel Kelemen, Sheri Berman, and Orfeo Fioretos. 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, DoubleTree Hotel, Philadelphia, Symphony Ballroom, 9:00AM.
2016 April 14
Europe on Edge: Ruptures and Resilience in European Capitalism. Plenary Panel with Suzanne Berger, Harold James, Charles Maier, Vivien Schmidt, and Orfeo Fioretos. 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, DoubleTree Hotel, Philadelphia, Ormandy Ballroom, 6:00PM.
2016 March 19
International Institutions in Time. Panel with by Tim Büthe, Eugenia da Concericao-Heldt, Philipp Genschel, Manuela Moschella, Tine Hanrieder, and Orfeo Fioretos. Annual Meeting of International Studies Association, Atlanta, GA.
2016 February 22
"The Origins and Consolidation of Informal Global Economic Governance: 40 Years of G-7 Summits." Lecture and Seminar. 12:30-2:00PM. Max Planck Sciences Po Center, Salle Gonguel, Sciences Po, 56 rue des Saints-Peres, Paris.
2015 September 22
The Never-Ending Greek Crisis? Panel with presentations by Richard Deeg, Ayse Kaya, Daniel Kelemen, and Orfeo Fioretos. Sponsored by Penn-Temple European Studies Colloquium and the Global Studies Program at Temple University, 4:00 PM, 413 Gladfelter Hall.
2015 September 3
Frontiers in Historical Institutionalism, American Political Science Association panel with presentations by Giovanni Capoccia; Marius Busemeyer; Cathie Jo Martin; Abraham Newman; Daniel Nexon; Daniel Kelemen; and Orfeo Fioretos. Thursday September 3: 1:45-6:00PM, Hilton Hotel, Golden Gate 4, San Francisco, CA.
2015 July 8
(In)consistencies of European Regulation of Capitalism. Panel at Council for European Studies with presentations by Holly Snaith, Regine Paul, Aidan Regan, Alison Johnston, Claes Belfrage, Cedric Durand, Tristan Auvray, and Orfeo Fioretos. Thursday July 8, 11:00AM-12:45PM, Caquot Amphiteater, SciPo, Paris.
2015 February 20
Temporality in International Relations, International Studies Association panel with papers by Michael Zürn; Kathryn Sikkink; Joseph Jupille, Walter Mattli and Duncan Snidal; Manuela Moschella and Catherine Weaver; and Orfeo Fioretos. Discussant: Robert O. Keohane. Friday February 20, 1:45-3:00PM, Hilton Hotel, New Orleans, LA.
2015 February 16
The Politics of Anti-Austerity in the Eurozone, Roundtable with Andreas Kalyvas, Brendan O'Leary, and Orfeo Fioretos. Sponsored by Political Theory Workshop at University of Pennsylvania and the Penn-Temple European Studies Colloquium. 4:00-6:00PM, Stitler Hall, University of Pennsylvania.
2014 August 29-30
APSA panels from historical institutionalism project: Historical Institutionalism: Theory and Method Revisited (link), Friday, August 29, 2014, 10:15-12:00PM (Hilton Holmsted); (2) Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics: Past and Future Agendas (link), Friday, August 29, 2014, 2:00-3:45 (Hilton Columbia 6); and (3) Institutions and History in International Relations (link), Saturday, August 30, 2014, 11:30-1:00PM (Hilton Columbia 3).
2014 May-August
Guest Researcher and DAAD Visiting Scholar, Global Governance Unit, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin.
2014 March 13
Distinguished Faculty Lecture, Center for the Humanities at Temple: "History and Politics in the Remaking of Global Capitalism." [link]
2013 October 25-26
Contemporary Politics and Historical Legacies: A Conference on Historical Institutionalism in Political Science, held at Temple University and University of Pennsylvania. [link]
2012 April
“Historical Institutionalism in International Relations” makes top-10 list of most-downloaded articles in International Organization.
2012 March
Roundtable discussion of Creative Reconstructions at Council for European Studies in Boston, with Pepper Culpepper, Richard Deeg, Peter Katzenstein, and Susanne Lütz.